It's Back to School Time and I am Looking for a Fresh Start

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Let's Take a Breath...

I love markers in the year that give me a chance to step back, evaluate where I am, where my family is, set priorities and push the Reset Button. It gives me a chance to determine what's most important going into the next season - what things do I need to shed? Where do I need to say "no" and where can I say my best "yes"?

Last December I started using Cultivate What Matters Powersheets to help me do just this. Powersheets have been a fabulous tool to guide me through taking an honest look at my life and helping me set priorities so I am living with grace and intentionality in all I do. As moms, we have so many hats to wear and so many demands vying for our attention. I've learned if I can set aside time to prayerfully create an intentional direction for my life, I have a framework for where to say "no" and where to say "yes".

If you are overwhelmed by all the things, trying to do it all, I want to encourage you to use this week or so before school starts to step back and evaluate your current state. What's working? What's not working? You can't do it all. Ask God where He is directing you and where He wants you to invest your time and energy. Once you've defined that, hit the Reset Button. Don't wait until the craziness of the fall starts. Take some time beforehand to breath and think through this next season before it comes barreling down on your. You'll feel so much more prepared to tackle what matters most to you and to say no to the other demands.


Joy for You in the New Year


Girl, Let's Make This Journey Easier!