A Thrill of Hope

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The Weary World Rejoices

There's something magical about this time of year. We're coming to the end of 2020 (and aren't we all so glad?) as well as looking into the HOPE of a new beginning.

Most of us are probably limping across the finish line, chucking virtual learning out the window, wrapping up any semblance of work that we can muster and trying to shut the door on this hurricane of a year as quickly as we can.

To say we are weary is an understatement. We are weary from the pandemic, weary from working in a pandemic, weary from homeschooling in a pandemic, weary from making decisions due to a pandemic, weary from health issues surrounding a pandemic and weary of the financial stress that's come from this pandemic. And that's just scratching the surface of it all. Perhaps the pandemic can be likened to a lens that only magnifies the challenges that are already there. So whatever was looming beforehand, just looks gigantic now. But is it possible in the burnout Jesus has something for us? Doesn't He say "Come to you all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest?" (Matt 11:28)

So, those things that are showing up more loudly or boldly in our lives are probably something Jesus is exposing to invite us to lean into Him. Maybe the walls are crashing in to remind us that we are not alone. He loves us deeply and He can carry what feels too heavy for us. Regardless of what our weariness is coming from, I'm praying we are able to see His companionship with us beneath the rubble. And, that in knowing He is here, we have HOPE despite our circumstances. Hope that His work in this weary time will lead to life! So here's to embracing the magic of this time of year, trusting that He who started a good work in us will carry it onto completion!


My First Lessons in 2021


Gifts to Create MORE SPACE for You!