Spring Preparation 101 | Bathrooms


Setting Up a Bathroom Cleaning Bin

If you’re like me, once it gets warm, you’d rather be soaking in the sun instead of indoors cleaning all the things.  So, before spring arrives, I’m giving you some quick tips to help you tackle Spring Preparation now in a jiffy.  

First up, let’s chat about bathrooms.  The good news:  a clean loo can make a big impact and doesn’t take much time to tackle.  Having a bin filled with cleaning supplies in the cabinet of each bathroom is a time-saver.  Just pull it out and wipe down surfaces, the toilet and the floors.  Tuck your bin back beneath the sink and enjoy the rest of your day! 

What’s in my bathroom cleaning bins?

-          A roll of paper towels

-          A spray bottle with cleaner

-          A small scrub brush

-          Norwex Cleaning Paste

-         A small broom and dustpan


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