Spring Preparation 101 | Meal Plan for the Spring

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Meal plan for the Spring

Swap your cozy, comfort food for vibrant, spring dinners. Jot down a list of Go-To meals that include warmer weather produce and more outdoor cooking. Keep it handy to reference each week when meal planning. Having the list close at hand will save time when creating your weekly menu and grocery list. Plus, you’ll avoid frustration at the 5:00pm hour when everyone is hungry and you don’t have a plan.

What does this look like for me? On Sundays I take out my list of Go-To Meals, choose four to five meals for the week (leaving room for leftovers or take out on hectic nights) and add them to my Weekly Menu. My grocery list lives at the bottom of the Weekly Menu so I can easily write what I need to buy at the same time. I throw the list in my shopping bag and head to the store for my weekly restock.

My Go-To Meals for Spring include:

- more grilling (veggies, burgers, skewered meat and even fruit)

- roasting spring veggies like asparagus, carrots and new potatoes

- throwing in seasonal fruit like berries as May approaches


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