Spring Preparation 101 | Purge and Swap Clothes

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Purge and Swap Clothes

Pollen might be covering every inch of North Carolina but so is the sun and that is enough to make this summertime girl thrilled to continue to welcome Spring! With a consistent run of warmer days, it's finally time to swap out winter attire so we can begin to sport that fun and colorful spring wardrobe! It's also the perfect time to save space by purging any unwanted items from your cold weather clothing. Here’s a quick system to creating MORE SPACE in your closet to ease the visual clutter:

Survey your clothes and determine what you didn’t wear this winter or fall.

Put those items in a “Donate” box.

For the clothes you love and wear but are not season-appropriate, place them in clear bins and put them in permanent storage.

Add any spring and summer clothes to your wardrobe that have been stowed away.

Be sure to weed out what you don’t like now and add to the “Donate” box.

Repeat for your kids' clothes.

Now, enjoy MORE SPACE in your closet which eases the visual overwhelm each morning when deciding what to wear!


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