MORE SPACE | Spring Cleaning Edition

I’m just sitting here taking in the beauty of the season.

The birds are singing, light pink blossoms are peaking through the cherry trees and red buds are lacing their branches like magenta torches ushering in the start of spring. The world is waking up and I am here for it! 

This prospect of a new season makes me feel lighter and ready for a refresh.🌷

Maybe it’s everything emerging that's giving me  a sense of wanting to start fresh. Feeds and magazine covers show decluttering lists that are motivating to begin again.

But halfway through the reading the thought of an overhaul feels overwhelming. The time it takes seems impractical with my life stage.

If you are feeling this same way, I have something a little more attainable to help you get that spring cleaning done. Instead of trying to completely refresh everything at once, check out the MORE SPACE Spring Cleaning Edition! Spend just 30 minutes a day for the next 10 days to get your house ready for the season. By the end of April, your home will sparkle!✨

If you’re still not feeling up to the task, I get it. Here’s a little something to help you get started that doesn't take quite so much time. It's  a weekly routine that takes 10 minutes. to clean your bathrooms!✨

And, if you're just wanting to soak in the loveliness of the season, I've got you covered. Screenshot this spring mobile wallpaper to remind you of all the good things starting!🌱

I hope this helps your days feel a little lighter! Until next time, have a wonderful week!


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